



🌑 Q fever was first noticed in ♥️Queensland

🌑 #ANTHRAX ♥️is caused by Anthrax bacillus

🌑 #CHOLERA ♥️is caused by Vibrio choleral bacteria

🌑 #TETANUS ♥️is also known as LOCKJAW disease

🌑 #DIPTHERIA ♥️is caused by Klebs-loeffler

🌑 #WHOOPING_COUGH ♥️is caused by Bordella pertussis

🌑 #EPIDERMIS  ♥️outer layer of the skin

🌑 The inner layer of the skin is called DERMIS

🌑 Over exposure to sun cause SUN BURN

🌑 LSD stands for Lysergic acid Di-ethylamide

🌑#GENERAL_ANAESTHETICS ♥️drug which produce total unconsciousness 

🌑 #LOCAL ANAESTHETICS ♥️Drugs which produce loss of sensation in a small area where the drug is applied 

🌑#ANTACIDS  ♥️Drugs which neutralize secretions of the stomach which cause ulcers and acidity

🌑 ELISA technique ♥️is used to detect AIDS

🌑 NMR stands for♥️ Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

🌑 Teeth are covered by a hard substance called ♥️ ENAMEL

🌑 Insulin is also known as #ANTI_DIABETIC HORMONE

🌑#INSULIN deficiency causes Diabetes

🌑 #INFLAMMATION of the pancreas is 

      called     ♥️ PANCREATITIS

 🌑The device which improves one's hearing is called #♥️HEARING AID

🌑 Persons who are having blood group O positive are called ♥️ UNIVERSAL DONORS

🌑 Persons who are having blood♥️ GROUP AB positive are called ♥️ UNIVERSAL RECIPIENTS

🌑 Red cells of blood contain ♥️Haemoglobin

🌑 The formation of a blood clot within a blood vessel is called ♥️ THROMBOSIS

🌑#ATELECTASISA condition where the lung tissue collapses 

🌑#Emphysema  condition in which the lung tissue loses its elasticity is known as Emphysema

🌑 PNEMONIA is an infection of the Lungs

🌑 PUS formation in the lung is called ♥️LUNG ABSCESS

🌑 #BRONCHIECTASIS is a disease of the which system Respiratory

🌑#MELANIN The colour of the skin is dependant upon a pigment 

🌑 #ECZEMA is a disease of the Skin

🌑#GLAUCOMA A condition wherein the pressure within the eyeball is increased above normal

🌑The number of teeth in a normal human being are ♥️32

🌑#ALLERGENS ♥️Substances that cause allergy 

🌑 HAY FEVER is a type of Allergy

🌑 LEUKEMIA is a disease of the Blood

 🌑Tissue taken from the patient while operation is going on is called ♥️FROZEN SECTION

🌑 EEG stands for Electro encephalography

🌑 EEG is used to record the activities of the Brain


🌑 EMG is used for recording for the activity of the Muscles during contraction

🌑 The x-ray visualisation of a joint is known as ♥️#ARTHROGRAPHY

🌑 A device used to regularise irregular heart beats is called Pace-maker

🌑 A doctor who is a specialist in matters related to the heart and circulatory system is called a♥️ #CARDIOLOGIST

🌑 In medical terminology ♥️,ENT stands for Ear,nose and throat

🌑A #GYNECOLOGIST specialises in matters related to Reproductive system

🌑 COPPER T is a type of device used for CONTRACEPTION

🌑A PSYCHIATRIST specialises in matters related to Mental disorders

🌑 #TYPHOID_VACCINE was invented by. 

      ❤️ Almorth Writht

🌑 #POLIO_VACCINE was invented ♥️by Jonas Salk

🌑 Contact lenses were invented by A.E.Fick

 🌑 #VACCINATION was invented by ♥️Edward jenner

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