


 Bsc nursing students:


           *Basic Concepts*

*Cell Membrane*


1. ECF is 33% of the total body water. 

2. 1 mole of NaCI is58.5gmsof NaCI. 

3. Ammonia transport in the kidney is Non-ionic diffusion. 

4. Isoelectric potential is given by Nernst equation. 

5. RMP of a neuron is approximately -70 mV. 

6. 70 percentage of ECF sodium is exchangeable(100% K+ is exchangeable). 

7. Phosphate is the most abundant intracellular anion. 

8. RMP is mostly due to K+diffusion. 

9. Iodide transport in the thyroid cell is an example of Secondary active 


10. Lead is a non essential mineral. 

11. Glucose transporter in myocyte is GLUT4. 

12. Pseudohyponatremia is seen in dyslipidemia. 

13. First change seen with salicylate poisoning is Metabolic acidosis. 

14. D2O is used in determination of Total body water. 

15. Auto-regulation is not seen in Cutaneous circulation. 

16. pH of extracellular fluid is 7.4 

17. Auto-regulation maintains the blood flow. 

18. Skeletal muscle has the maximum oxygen consumption after liver followed 

by brain. 

19. Na+ symport transports glucose in GIT and PCT. 

20. Basal metabolic rate is dependent on the amount of lean body mass. 

21. Ketone bodies produced by Liver. 

22. Maximum triglycerides are in Chylomicron.

23. Triple helix structure is seen in Collagen. 

24. EDRF simulates the action of nitric oxide. 

25. Dynein is the force generating protein. 

26. After chloride ions, Bicarbonates is the most abundant anion in blood 


27. Nitric oxide is released from Endothelial cells. 

28. The cell junctions allowing exchange of cytoplasmic molecules between the 

2 cells are called as Gap junctions. 

29. Second messenger mediates intracellular activities of enzymes and 


30. Carrier proteins meditates the transport of chemicals across cell membrane 

against the gradient. 

31. Sodium-potassium-ATPase helps in the maintenance of Cell surface charge, 

Cell volume and RMP 

32. Albumin acts as a co-transport for Fatty acids 

33. Barr body is found in the Interphase phase of the cell cycle. 

34. Oral rehydration mixture contains glucose and sodium because both of 

them facilitate the transport of each other from the intestinal mucosa to 


35. The endothelial cells produce thrombomodulin, except those found in 

Cerebral microcirculation. 

36. " Non constitutive exocytosis is the example of "Regulated pathway 

37. The poison cyanide inhibits the reaction between Cytochrome oxidase and 

molecular oxygen. 

38. Cyclic AMP is Intraneural secondary messenger. 

39. Number of bonds broken in protein synthesis is Four. 

40. Earliest definite sign of death is Absent brain stem reflexes. 

41. 7 cal of energy is yielded by one ml of alcohol (per gram) in the body. 

42. Various cells respond differentially to a second messenger (such as 

increased cAMP) because they have different Enzymatic composition. 

43. Adenylate cyclase is a membrane bound enzyme that catalyzes the 

formation of cyclic AMP from ATP. 

44. Inositol triphosphate increases the release of Ca++ from endoplasmic 


45. The most abundant glycoprotein present in basement membrane is 


46. Sweating is mediated through Sympathetic Cholinergic. 

47. In Brain ischemia the level of creatinine kinase I Increases. 

48. Acetyl choline is not therapeutic because as it is rapidly metabolized. 

49. The first physiological used response to high environmental temperature is 


50. Kidney has the most permeable capillaries due to fenestration. 

51. Muscle phosphorylase is activated by Calmodulin. 

52. RBC rouleaux formation is due to increased blood viscosity and slow 


53. Content of Na+ in ringer lactate is 130meq/L. 

54. Androgen receptors are coded in Long arm of X chromosome. 

55. Extra cellular fluid has the majority of body sodium.

56. Nissl's substance is composed of rough endoplasmic reticulum. 

57. K+ is the most diffusible ion in excitable tissue. 

58. Fe++ is state of Iron responsible for 02 transport. 

59. Troponin & Calmodulin are the calcium ion binding protein. 

60. Compound action potential is seen in Mixed nerve. 

61. Chronaxie is minimum in Myelinated Nerve. 

62. Amplitude of action potential can be increased maximally by increased no. 

of open Na+ channel. 

63. Increasing lipid solubility of the membrane increases particle diffusion 

across the cell membrane. 

64. Thin filament are made up of Actin, Troponin and tropomyosin 

65. Relaxation protein is tropomyosin. 

66. The term Milieu interior was coined by Claude Bernard (Father of 


67. In Preload, there is Isotonic contraction with shortening of muscle fibres. 

68. Van't Hoff gave the Osmotic principle. 

69. ECF is measured by Inulin . 

70. Evans blue dye is used to measure the Plasma volume. 

71. Facilitated diffusion does not require energy

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