



Medical conditions: Lay term

Acute cerebrovascular event - stroke

Arrhythmia - palpitations

Dyspnoea - breathlessness 

Fractured neck of femur - broken hip

Haematemesis - vomiting blood

Haematuria - blood in the urine

Insomnia - trouble with sleeping

Intermittent claudication - pains in the back of the legs when walking 

Myocardial infarction - heart attack

Nocturia - needing to pass urine (water) at night

Analgesics - pain killers

Anti-depressants - tablets to improve your mood 

Anti-inflammatories - medicine to reduce swelling

Broncho-dilator - a substance which causes the airways to open 

up DMARDs (disease modifying - pills that help stop arthritis progressing

anti-rheumatic drugs)

Diuretics - water tablets

Hypertension medication - pills for blood pressure

Hypnotics - sleeping tablets

oral contraceptives - the pill 


Abatement = a decrease in the severity of a pain / symptom. 

Aberration = deviation from the normal or expected 

Abnormal = varying from what is regular or neutral

Abort = to terminate a process or a disease before it has run its normal course. 

Abrasion = a superficial injury where the skin/mucous membrane is rubbed or torn

Abreaction = the relieving of a painful experience with the release of repressed emotion 

Accessory = supplementary

Accountable = liable to be held responsible for a course of action

A qualified nurse has a duty of care according to law.

Nurses are accountable to their patients, their peers and their employing authority.

Ache = a dull continuous pain

Acoustic = relating to sound or the sense of hearing 

Acrophobia = morbid terror of being at height

Activator = a substance / hormone / enzyme that stimulates a chemical change. In chemistry a Catalyst

Acute = sudden, severe or short duration

Adaptation = Gradual development to Alt into one’s environment

Addiction = the taking of drugs or alcohol leading to physiological or psychological dependence with a tendency to increase use.

Additives = Chemical substances added commonly to food to increase taste or to preserve it for longer decoration.

Adjuvant = any treatment used in conjunction with another to enhance its efficacy.

A substance.

Adolescence = The period between puberty and maturity. 10 to 19 years in both males and females.

Advanced Trauma 

life support = Dealing with seriously injured people at the scene of the accident

Advocacy = the process whereby a nurse provides a patient or the family with information to enable them to make informed decisions relating to the care situation

Aerobic exercise = Exercises to support aerobic metabolism (oxygen utilization)

Affinity = attraction to substances

Aftercare = social, medical or nursing care after a period of hospital treatment 

Afunctional = lacking function

Ageing = the structural and functional changes that take place by time and are not caused by accident or discare

Aggression = animosity or hostility shown towards another person or object 

Agitation = mental distress causing extreme restlessness or arousal

Agony = extreme suffering either physical or mental

Ailment = any minor disorder of the body

Affiliation = The association of a person, institution, or organization for medical education or employment to a health care facility.

Albinism = congenital absence of pigment in the skin, hair and eyes

Alcoholism = state of poisoning resulting from alchohol addiction

Alienation = a feeling of estrangement or separation from others or from self. 

Aliment = food or nourishment

Alternative medicine = Homoeopathy, Aromatherapy, Acupuncture, Ayurveda etc. 

Ambivalence = contradictory emotional feelings towards an object like love and hate. 

Amorphous = without definite shape

Anabolism = the building up or synthesis or all structures from digested food materials 

Android= resembling a man

Anima = the soul, youngs term for the unconsciousness or inner being of the individual as opposed to the personal

anomaly = considerable variation from normal 

anorexia = loss



Medical conditions: Lay term


Acute cerebrovascular event - stroke

Arrhythmia - palpitations

Dyspnoea - breathlessness 

Fractured neck of femur - broken hip

Haematemesis - vomiting blood

Haematuria - blood in the urine

Insomnia - trouble with sleeping

Intermittent claudication - pains in the back of the legs when walking 


Myocardial infarction - heart attack

Nocturia - needing to pass urine (water) at night

Analgesics - pain killers

Anti-depressants - tablets to improve your mood 

Anti-inflammatories - medicine to reduce swelling

Broncho-dilator - a substance which causes the airways to open 

up DMARDs (disease modifying - pills that help stop arthritis progressing

anti-rheumatic drugs)

Diuretics - water tablets

Hypertension medication - pills for blood pressure

Hypnotics - sleeping tablets

oral contraceptives - the pill 


Abatement = a decrease in the severity of a pain / symptom. 

Aberration = deviation from the normal or expected 

Abnormal = varying from what is regular or neutral

Abort = to terminate a process or a disease before it has run its normal course. 

Abrasion = a superficial injury where the skin/mucous membrane is rubbed or torn

Abreaction = the relieving of a painful experience with the release of repressed emotion 

Accessory = supplementary

Accountable = liable to be held responsible for a course of action

A qualified nurse has a duty of care according to law.

Nurses are accountable to their patients, their peers and their employing authority.

Ache = a dull continuous pain

Acoustic = relating to sound or the sense of hearing 

Acrophobia = morbid terror of being at height@bsc_nursing_all

Activator = a substance / hormone / enzyme that stimulates a chemical change. In chemistry a Catalyst

Acute = sudden, severe or short duration

Adaptation = Gradual development to Alt into one’s environment

Addiction = the taking of drugs or alcohol leading to physiological or psychological dependence with a tendency to increase use.


Additives = Chemical substances added commonly to food to increase taste or to preserve it for longer decoration.

Adjuvant = any treatment used in conjunction with another to enhance its efficacy.

A substance.

Adolescence = The period between puberty and maturity. 10 to 19 years in both males and females.

Advanced Trauma 

life support = Dealing with seriously injured people at the scene of the accident

Advocacy = the process whereby a nurse provides a patient or the family with information to enable them to make informed decisions relating to the care situation

Aerobic exercise = Exercises to support aerobic metabolism (oxygen utilization)

Affinity = attraction to substances

Aftercare = social, medical or nursing care after a period of hospital treatment 

Afunctional = lacking function

Ageing = the structural and functional changes that take place by time and are not caused by accident or discare

Aggression = animosity or hostility shown towards another person or object 

Agitation = mental distress causing extreme restlessness or arousal

Agony = extreme suffering either physical or mental

Ailment = any minor disorder of the body

Affiliation = The association of a person, institution, or organization for medical education or employment to a health care facility.

Albinism = congenital absence of pigment in the skin, hair and eyes

Alcoholism = state of poisoning resulting from alchohol addiction

Alienation = a feeling of estrangement or separation from others or from self. 

Aliment = food or nourishment

Alternative medicine = Homoeopathy, Aromatherapy, Acupuncture, Ayurveda etc. 

Ambivalence = contradictory emotional feelings towards an object like love and hate. 

Amorphous = without definite shape

Anabolism = the building up or synthesis or all structures from digested food materials 

Android= resembling a man

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