1.Corona is Single Standard RNA VIRUS
2. Official Name given By WHO 👉 Covid-19 (on 11th Feb 2020)
3. Ist case in World 👉 Wuhan( China)
4. Out of China First Case 👉 Thailand (13 Jan. 2020)
5. Ist Case in India 👉 Thrisurr District (Kerala) on 30 Jan 2020
6. Pandemic declared by WHO 👉 11th March 2020
7. National Emergency in India 👉 12tn March 2020
8. Janta Curfew 👉 22nd March 2020
9. Ist Lockdown 👉24th March (For 21 Days)
10. IInd Lockdown 👉 15th April to 3rd May 2020
11. Route of Transmission 👉 Droplets or Airborne Transmission
12. Incubation Period 👉 2-14 days
13. Quarantine is Primary Level Prevention
14. Isolation is Secondary Level Prevention
15. Diagnostic Test 👉 RTPCR
16. Social Distance 👉 6 feet
17 First Plasma Therapy Started in 👉 Delhi
18. Arogya Setu launched on 👉 2nd April 2020 : 1.World greatest public health tool 👉 Immunization
2. Most common cause of MMR 👉 hemorrhage
3. Richest source of Vit. C 👉 Amla
4. Which food has maximum Protein 👉 Soyabean
5. Father of Medicine/ First true
epidemiologists 👉 Hippocrates
6. Phase 1 clinical trials drug done on 👉 Healy volunteer
7. World Health Day 👉 7th April
8. Most common deficiency in Alcoholic Pt. 👉 Thiamine
9. Chief Of ISRO 👉 Dr. K. Shivam
10. CHO Posted at 👉 Sub Cenre
11. Beauty Bone is 👉 Clavicle Bone
12. Fluid of Choice in Severe Dehydration 👉 RL
13. Raj. Literacy Rate (2011) 👉 66.1%
14. Rajasthan Female Literacy Rate (2011) 👉 52%
15. Rural Sex Ratio in Rajasthan (2011) 👉 933
16. Drug of Choice in Eclampsia 👉 Magnesium Sulphate (MgSo4)
17. Most Common Cause Of PPH 👉 Atony Uterus
18. Route of Administration of BCG Vaccine 👉 Intra Dermal(Left Arm)
19. Sunset Eye is Feature of 👉 Hydrocephalus
20. Which State has Lowest IMR 👉 Kerala
21. Dastak Abhiyan Related to👉 Maternal & Child Health (MCH)